Stories Archives - SISU Collective SISU Collective Blog Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:26:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Stories Archives - SISU Collective 32 32 TRUST YOURSELF WITH MONEY Thu, 20 Jun 2024 18:23:07 +0000 Financial struggle is a reality for many of us.

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Simple ART of Saving

Build Financial Confidence

Brigitt Thompson

Author of Trust Yourself with Money: Build Financial Confidence through the Simple Art of Saving

How did you get your idea or concept for your business?

Financial struggle is a reality for many of us. The reasons we experience it are both internal and external. It’s a complex conversation to have with ourselves and each other. I’m interested in morphing financial shame into power and optimism.  

I wrote my first book, “Trust Yourself with Money,” to share the story of how I tackled the process of looking at my finances, seeing a colossal mess, and sorting through the rubble to create something new. My goal is to develop tools and resources to help others who are on a similar journey.

What Was Your Biggest ‘A-ha’ Moment?

My biggest ‘a-ha’ moment is one that I return to frequently. I talk about it in my book. It’s the idea of self-efficacy: even if I don’t know exactly what to do to solve a problem I’m facing in the moment, it’s enough to anchor into the belief that I have the capacity to figure it out. I don’t need to have all the answers—but I do need to believe that an answer exists, and that I have the ability to find it.

Instead of scattering my focus into a messed-up imaginary future where everything is falling apart, I bring my attention back to the present and remind myself that I have the intelligence and common sense to figure out how to get to where I want to be. I can learn new things. I can come to new conclusions. I can navigate my way through life—and I don’t have to have all of the answers at the outset. Is it a perfect, linear process? Absolutely not. Still, I keep returning to this idea, and it helps me find my way forward.

Looking back, what’s one thing you would do differently?

Wow. When I look back and think about what I would have done differently, it’s a long list. On the other hand, I wonder if I would have landed here without my exact life experiences, and I like my life right now. I guess the one thing I would have done differently is something I’m still working on: not beating myself up while learning new things. I would push back on the shame of “You should have known better. You should have done x or y.” That’s a tough one. The idea that we should be perfect can be a stumbling block for high-achieving people. I still don’t like the idea of failing, but there’s no other way to evolve and learn.

Can you recall a moment in which you faced a roadblock in your progress but decided to push past it?

Roadblocks come up all the time. I feel like this is the norm. In late 2015, I decided that I wanted to be 100% debt-free. At the time, achieving this goal seemed highly unlikely—not impossible, but it just seemed like it would take forever, and I’m not always the most patient person. At the same time, I wanted to achieve this goal more than anything. I was completely obsessed with it. The roadblocks and frustrations were constant—too numerous to recount here—but I kept going. Pushing past roadblocks is not always a triumphant, arms-in-the-air, “Rocky” kind of experience. Sometimes it looks like crying, whining, complaining, etc. The key is to keep going.

Is there anything you would like to share that we haven’t asked?

Life delivers lessons every day. Some days are better than others. Some days, we’re tired and overwhelmed. On other days, we feel like we can take on the world. If you’re frustrated and exhausted by your circumstances, don’t worry about trying to be super positive overnight. Just start with a very quiet sense of curiosity: given that there is an answer, what might it be? Gently begin to ask yourself questions. Stay curious—about your beliefs, your behavior, and the life you’re living right now.

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MORE THAN MAKEUP- ART ! Thu, 20 Jun 2024 18:18:07 +0000 LaVonn's mission is to provide clients with not only a great makeup application, but also an excellent experience.

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MakeupLove By LaVonne

Makeup Artistry

LaVonne Tynesha

About my company:

MakeupLove By LaVonne is a makeup artistry business based in Wilmington, Delaware, founded by freelance makeup artist LaVonne Tynesha. Boasting over 15 years of experience as an artist, LaVonne is passionate about all things beauty and continuously strives to learn and develop her skills. Working with her clients individually, LaVonne guides them through the beauty process and crafts every look to suit their skin tone, texture, and tastes. LaVonn’es mission is to provide clients with not only a great makeup application, but also an excellent experience.  

In the beginning, what motivated you to become an entrepreneur?

Doing makeup for me started as a hobby. What motivated me to become an entrepreneur or at least start to take my business more seriously, was a few different reasons. In 2011, I was laid off from my corporate job, so I really needed to find something that could supplement my income. I have always believed in having multiple sources of income and turning your passion into a paycheck. I really enjoyed doing makeup and meeting new people and I felt makeup could be a good side hustle.  

Can you recall a moment in which you faced a roadblock in your progress but decided to push past it?

Yes, there was a time that I felt very stagnant and my business wasn’t growing. Since I work a full-time job, I didn’t put a lot of focus into my business. I felt overwhelmed and unsure if I wanted to give 100% to one job over the other. Sharing my work and the fear of being judged by others stopped me from showcasing my work. I decided I was going to do both and put more time into my business by advertising and being more present on social media. My business started growing and my work started to improve as well.

For other women thinking about starting a business in the make up industry, what is your biggest lesson or take away you can share with them to keep them encouraged when their motivation is at its lowest?

I would share with them that there is room in this industry for all of us. Everyone has their own style of makeup and someone will like your style over another artists style. Be confident in yourself and never stop learning and growing. 

Is there anything you would like to share that we haven’t asked?

Next year, my company will be celebrating 10 years. Over the past 10 years, makeup has changed so much and it will continue to change. My advice to myself and to others is to stay current with makeup trends. Even though you may not incorporate them into your daily routine, it’s good to know how to do them. 

Connect With Lavonne:

IG – @makeuplovebylavonne

FB – MakeupLove by LaVonne

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Your Voice Has Power Thu, 20 Jun 2024 18:12:49 +0000 Being a mother is my superpower.

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Portrait of Katherine Witherspoon

The Fight for Change Starts With You!

About Katherine:

Katherine Fry’s practice focuses on employment advice to businesses both in the U.S. and abroad.  Her presentations, seminars, blog, and LinkedIn posts focus on current trends in employment such as unionization and non-compete trends; effects on the workplace of current events such as the COVID pandemic and the war in Ukraine; pending legislation; and the executive branch agencies’ agendas on employment issues. 

Katherine is a court-certified mediator and court-appointed arbitrator available to assist in quickly and affordably resolving disputes.  When necessary, she litigates cases in areas such as enforcement of non-competes; trade secret protection; discrimination under state and federal laws; wage and hour violations; and breach of many types of commercial contracts. Katherine appears on clients’ behalf in administrative proceedings before bodies such as the EEOC, OSHA, and the Department of Labor and conducts internal employee investigations and audits.  

Katherine also serves as employment counsel on corporate transactions, recently assisting a client to purchase a business for over $75 million and another client to sell his family-owned business. She reviews and drafts employment-related agreements for companies as well as for executives, where no conflicts exist.

Katherine also has a side practice representing students and parents in disputes with school districts and colleges nationwide. 

Subscribe to Katherine’s blog or request a presentation to business owners by emailing her at

Connect with Katherine on LinkedIn at Katherine-Witherspoon-fry to follow her employment law posts.

Katherine graduated from Duke University and has been practicing law, barred in Delaware, since her graduation from N.Y.U. Law School in 1994.  She has had the privilege of appearing before the U.S. Supreme Court twice.

Katherine Witherspoon Fry




222 Delaware Avenue

Suite 1105

Wilmington, DE19801
T 302.351.0900
F 302.351.0915

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Becoming Alpha Mon, 10 Jun 2024 17:15:40 +0000 Empowering women to develop their vision!

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She Alpha Co.

Empowering women to develop their vision!

We are She Alpha Co., a company that believes every woman willing to succeed should be supported by other successful women because together, we can accomplish more! Our dedication is to empower, inspire, and educate women to obtain their goals and business vision by learning the skills necessary to thrive in their careers. We have built a network of women leaders combined with workshops & programs to elevate the women in our community to continue expanding, growing, and flourish in their expertise areas.  

1.    How do you think being an entrepreneur has turned you into a better person? 

Entrepreneurship has taught us so many lessons, but most of all, how to be resilient, patient, and persistent through times of adversity. We have both been through many journeys together and separately. Still, by becoming entrepreneurs, we have learned life skills that can only be learned through the experience of building a business. As individual beings, our perception has evolved and allowed us to connect with other women on different frequencies, which has allowed us to form new friendships, partnerships, and collaborations.  

2.    How did you get your idea or concept for your business? 

It wasn’t so much an idea, as it was more of what we didn’t want other women to experience. Through our childhood and adulthood, we worked hard! And I mean hard! We had several jobs at once, going to school, taking paid/unpaid internships, taking care of our families. We both started working incredibly young, 14 and 15 years of age (maybe even younger), providing for our families, and not one person ever landed a guiding hand. Everything we accomplished, we learned through the power of books, research, and trial & error. We honestly believe that it made us stronger, but it also made us realize that there should be a better way for women who had similar faiths to have a support system they can count on — a place where they can go for growth and development without feeling ashamed of asking for help.

3.    Can you recall a moment when you faced a roadblock in your progress but decided to push past it?  

We have always had it together and always figure out a way forward. It is all that happens behinds the scenes that built us and prepared us for developing our company. Jenny experienced mental health challenges, divorce, and losing everything. Those character-building experiences pushed her over to chase the life she wanted and deserved. Many people fall behind the curveball and take those moments as setbacks that later define your life. She honestly said, “If I’m losing everything, what is stopping me from re-inventing my life the way I choose to live it?”. Fast-forward 3 years later, she is currently in Costa Rica working remotely and living a Nomadic life. Laura had a traumatic childhood which pushed her to become the best version of herself. Even from a young age, she knew she was destined for greatness and did not let her circumstances determine her outcome. She carries that with her nowadays for business and life in general. 

4.    How would you like people to remember you and your company? 

We strive to be the women who helped impact other women’s lives. The kind of women who would do what it takes for our future generations. For all the little girls who do not have the tools to succeed, and they have that burning fire to push through. As for our company, as we continue to evolve and expand, we look forward to being the kind of company women in our communities can trust and feel a sense of sisterhood.

5.    Is there anything you would like to share that we haven’t asked? 

Our doors are always open, and we are looking for women to join our movement and mission. We empower you to reach out for questions, consultations, join one of our programs, and even for coffee dates with other extraordinary women. You do not have to do this alone! 

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